Helminthic therapy and mold illness

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    Home>Effects of helminthic therapy>Helminthic therapy and mold illness

    Mold illness refers to the health effects of a wide range of different types of mold (mould), their related microbial agents and associated toxins.

    While allergic reactions are a commonly reported effect of mold exposure, molds can also cause other types of reaction, including irritation, inflammation, infection and toxicity. Molds can produce a wide range of symptoms affecting mental as well as physical health and their effects range in severity from minor to fatal.

    Molds and their many related microbial agents are ubiquitous throughout the biosphere. While most of those found in the outdoor environment are not hazardous to humans, many of those lurking within buildings can be, and, since molds form a common component of the dust found within homes and workplaces, they are difficult to avoid. Substantial and statistically significant increases in the risks of both respiratory infections and bronchitis have been associated with the mold found in homes, [1] and as many as 21% of asthma cases may result from mold exposure. [2]

    Humans have lived with molds throughout history, but, in the 20th and 21st centuries we have increasingly taken to living in enclosed domestic environments that encourage the proliferation of mold. We have also adopted practices that have separated us from the helminths that, since time immemorial, have modulated our immune response to environmental factors such as mold. (See Humans need helminths.) A large part of the solution to mold-related illness is therefore to modify our home and work environments to prevent mold growth, and to reconstitute our personal biomes by reintroducing mutualistic helminths to optimise our immune function.

    Below are quotes from self-treaters who have used helminthic therapy to address their mold issues.

    Thanks to helminthic therapy, she can cope much better now with mold.” [3]
    I was poisoned by the floxie antibiotics. That is why I started Helminthic. My fungal issues are still with me but I am so much better.” [4]
    I have CIRS from mould illness, MCAS and histamine Intolerance, although, when I began HT, I wasn’t aware of these diagnoses. I must say HT has been a lifesaver for me, and I found NA and TSO extremely helpful with mould symptoms; HDC, not so much. I started with 8 NA in 2019 and felt positive effects within the first three months. When I started TSO, I had a sophisticated colony of NA on board already. Zero side effects to a full course of TSO. The effects of both species on board were absolutely fantastic. I couldn’t afford to take TSO after that, unfortunately, and so benefits declined rapidly after finishing the last dose. Through this period, I was living with mould. Hence, I am confident that HT has helped me a great deal with the symptoms of mould illness." (Edited from this post.)
    I have recently started my helminth therapy about 4 months ago with outstanding results! I was treating mold reactions, asthma, food allergies, and MCS. I am so much better with all but the MCS. I've been able to dig in my garden without a mold reaction or a very tiny one. This is all with just one treatment of 3 NAs." [5]

    However, anyone with mold sensitivity who uses helminthic therapy will only reap the full benefits possible from this treatment if they also reduce their exposure to mold.

    I treated mould illness with NA, TSO, and with HDC… All three species of helminths helped me with some of my symptoms to an extend, but nothing will be more beneficial than leaving mould behind and avoiding it, and to detox your system from mould toxins… As much as helminths have helped me with my mould related symptoms, their benefits may have contributed to a delayed understanding that mould in and outside of my home plays a significant role in my health issues. The fact that, in genetically predisposed people, mould toxins accumulate inside the body and then affect every bodily system, has the potential to make every delay in linking mould to ones illness a serious matter. That’s why I would not suggest Helminth therapy to people that may, or do suffer from mould related illness, unless they have already removed themselves from mould, are in the care of a specialist, and are detoxing their system from mould toxins. [6]

    Continuing, or new, mold exposure may overwhelm the benefits of hosting helminths.

    I often thought that I had accidentally harmed my colony, when in retrospect I realised that I was reacting to an increase in mould in my surrounding. From my own experience, helminths are great to help modulate a response, but there is a threshold, and when that got surpassed, all my symptoms flared at once. Hence, an intensified immune response felt like my helminths weren’t working anymore. [7]

    Also see

    This is a great book for anyone who is unsure how to navigate mould toxicity. Dr Neil Nathan explains everything very well and he has a useful website that proposes a mould protocol, and offers a list of practitioners in various regions. The book is also on audible. It helped me find a mould specialist that is organising appropriate tests. [8]
    Preliminary research identifies helminthic therapy as a possible treatment strategy to arrest the chronic inflammatory response, induced by mold and other biotoxins.