Helminthic therapy and fibromyalgia

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    Home>Effects of helminthic therapy>Helminthic therapy and fibromyalgia

    Improvement in fibromyalgia is uncommon, but has been seen in a few cases

    Although it has been shown that fibromyalgia is likely the result of autoimmune problems, [1] it is unlikely that helminthic therapy will help this condition in the majority of cases.

    I have hosted hookworm for over 2 years, and whipworm … for about 10 months... The fibro pain is unchanged. (Link expired)

    Eighteen months later, this individual had still had no relief for her fibromyalgia, in spite of continuing to host hookworms.

    However, a few people with fibromyalgia have seen improvement after carefully introducing helminths.

    It's almost been a year on HW and I have about 30. I use small doses because of fibromyalgia. Also I seem to have less fibro attacks. [2]
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 26 years ago… In the first couple of weeks (of taking TSO) I did have about three days where the fibromyalgia relapsed and was tough. Thankfully it was a short-lived relapse… I noticed an improvement from the initial two doses during the first four weeks. Even with the reduced dose I could feel changes in energy, bouts of TBS, and reduced pain from both the fibromyalgia and my rheumatoid arthritis. I can't tell you what a difference it has made in my life. (Read the full story)
    The helminths have really helped with allergies, dry eye, optimal bloodwork, and fibromyalgia symptoms. [3]
    I have a friend who has fibromyalgia and we followed the wiki advice and for the past year have progressed slowly and carefully. Currently her doses are 4, 5, 5, 5, 5. at 12 week intervals. Her symptoms have lessened over the past year, and she has had no flare-ups, so she has been able to significantly reduce the amount of medication taken e.g., muscle relaxants and pain relief. However she still experiences some pain, and interestingly still gets hay fever. (Via private message)
    ... using NA for RA (totally cleared) and I no longer have Fibromyalgia...👍 It has all gone, the pain, the brain fog/fatigue, stiffness... (Edited from two posts [4] [5])
    It took 2 more years of NA treatment and lifestyle changes to be rid of nerve pain from fibromyalgia. Today, 10 years after first NA dose, I’m nerve pain-free and no sign of fibromyalgia for past 6 years. [6]

    Those with fibromyalgia can treat coexisting conditions if very careful

    While fibromyalgia is unlikely to respond in most cases, it is possible for those with this condition to use helminthic therapy to treat coexisting conditions.

    I have both fibromyalgia and CFS/ME and was first inoculated just over 2 years ago. I have found improvement, especially since it has helped with inflammation. It is not a cure for me but I have been able to slowly go off medications, get less infections, have less flare days, and recover quicker than I use to. [7]
    The only difference NA has made to my overall health is to 100% treat my gluten intolerance...” [8]
    (In addition to fibromyalgia), I have mast cell disorder with CFS diagnosed by symptoms and lab work profile. I am allergic to everything at different levels. What I noticed was a general improvement and a reduction in some allergies especially after two years. [9]
    Because fibromyalgia patients are typically extremely sensitive to helminths, these need to be introduced very gradually and in very small numbers. For example, no more than 5 hookworm larvae should be used for the initial inoculation, and 3 may be a better starting dose. This may appear to be over-cautious, but it really is the only way for someone with fibromyalgia to begin helminthic therapy without triggering severe side effects.
    I started with 25 (hookworms) and had an awful time, killed (them) and took 7 instead. I only redose 7 at a time. [10]
    I had 10 HW to start and thought I was going to die. But I could do 3. And then another 3. And then I could stand 5.
    I have both ME and Fibro and 5 HWs was perfect for my first dose. [11]

    Even starting with five hookworm larvae can cause challenging side effects in some people with fibromyalgia.

    I started with a five hw dose four days ago. But joint pain and muscle fatigue started to kick in yesterday and then today with a vengeance. I'm so glad now it was just five I started with. [12]
    After my first dose of 5HW I experienced extreme fatigue. It wasn't until my third dose that things began to make a big shift. [13]

    While people who do not have fibromyalgia are able to avoid or reduce helminth side effects by taking prednisone, the drug may not have this effect in someone with fibromyalgia.

    I had a terrible time with inoculating 10 (after a successful run with 5) and prednisone did not relieve my fibromyalgia/ME flare in any way (20mg/day). [14]

    Once a total of about 10 hookworms has been inoculated, and these have been established for six months, higher doses may be tolerated, but caution is still required to prevent triggering side effects.

    I started out with 5HWs because I have Fibromyalgia. I am using HT to treat allergies, arthritis, IBS, leaky gut, psoriasis, etc… For me the 5HWs was very gentle… My second dose was 10HWs and it was a little more noticeable causing very mild flare. My last 2 doses were 25HWs and there is a huge difference… my eczema and psoriasis pops up and drives me crazy with addition itching. Arthritis also seems to reappear, and lot of diarrhea and abdominal cramping. [15]
    For me 5HWs is a dose where I obtain the most benefit with the fewest side effects. [16]
    I have crept back up to about 7 (NA) or so again now and I seem OK for about 10 weeks... After that I start to get some discomfort in my spine so know I am due a top up and my Fibro isn't flared at all.... Everyone has a 'sweet spot' its just finding it.😊 [17]

    The size of both doses and total colony may need to be limited indefinitely

    Some people may never be able to tolerate more than 15 or 20 hookworm larvae at any one time, and there may be a similar limit on the dose size of other helminth species. For example, someone with fibromyalgia who began using HDC to treat another condition has reported that she was able to take 10 HDC every 4 weeks for five months without worsening any of her existing symptoms. [18] (When HDC is being used to treat, rather than prevent a condition, the doses used typically range between 30 and 60, taken every 2 weeks.)

    Even when they have a well established hookworm colony, fibromyalgia patients may find that they have an individual colony size limit that cannot be exceeded.

    My dosing schedule was: 5 + 5 + 25 + 25 + 25 etc… With this schedule I had no side effects whatsoever. I think my optimal total is about 70 worms or so. Unfortunately I did not know this at the time and I went on adding too may worms which resulted in getting very sick again. I just killed my worms and will start again from scratch, aiming for (a maximum colony size of) 70. [19]

    Other conditions may respond in a similar way to fibromyalgia

    The need to start with very small doses, to increase these very gradually and, in the case of the human helminths, NA and TT, to limit the total colony size, also applies to several other conditions, which are listed in the following page section.

    Dosing with hookworms is addressed in much more detail on the Hookworm dosing and response page.

    Treating side effects

    Prednisone is sometimes taken during the early stages of helminthic therapy to reduce the side effects - which it does very effectively - but this drug should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

    Allergy medication can also help.

    I suffer with Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME (other things as well) and had a terrible flare with an increased dose. Allergy medication helped me more than anything else because it calmed down my reaction. [20]

    For more on treating the initial side effects of helminthic therapy using hookworms, see this page section:

    See also